Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad blogger.

Perhaps posting on here more would alleviate the intense boredom I feel at work when I have no more projects to work on.

But as someone who wants the emphasis to be on photos, it's hard to take pictures when you spend 9 hours a day in a cubicle. And you can't take a picture of a phone call complaining of alien abductions and all the things that they involve (read: anal probes).

So I have to reaffirm my promise to post here daily. Even if no one reads this. Even if nothing remotely visually interesting happened and warranted I pull out my camera.

I want to be more like David Sedaris. Or Amy Sedaris. I'm not picky about which Sedaris sibling I get to be. I want to revel in the minutia and the absurd. Writing daily is a necessity and a habit, nay, an addiction I must form.

My aspiration to seem more Sedaris-like comes from having recently finished When You Are Engulfed in Flames, which I highly recommend. A portion of my next paycheck will go Me Talk Pretty One Day, or perhaps a different work of his. Originally, I purchased When You Are Engulfed in Flames for the cover jacket art: Van Gogh's "Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette."

That painting used to fascinate me as a child. I first examined it at Van Gogh's Van Goghs, an oddly titled exhibition at the National Gallery which I saw when I was 7 or 8. As most skeletons did, the painting scared me. Yet I proudly declared to my family on the way to the museum gift shop that it was my favorite.

Once in the gift shop I begged my mom for a miniature jig-saw puzzle of one of Van Gogh's more tepid country scenes. Why that puzzle? It took me 20 minutes to solve it and was later discarded. The only thing that did stick with me is the skeleton.

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