Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lemons at Eastern Market

a new blog header to remind me to always make lemonade when life hands me lemons. Or to squirt the bastard in the eye.

I'd like to think I'm a local now, even though I can't shake the tourist feeling.

After attending my first ball game last night, I am now wearing this awesome shirt, which might help.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I moving to Washington DC tomorrow. There's a pit stop in Williamsburg, but DC is the final destination, which means I will no longer be in Nevada. I'm trying to think of a geographically appropriate blog header now, but I can't think of any images that tops what's there now, both in content (It welcoming you to the blog so perfectly!) and aesthetics (look at the primary colors!)

Clearly, I should be focusing on more important things, like packing suitcases, moving in, classes and a looming internship.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

klosterman, you make me sad.

"We are living in a manner that is unnatural. We are latently enslaved by our own ingenuity, and we have unknowingly constructed a simulated world. The benefits of technology are easy to point out (medicine, transportation, the ability to send and receive text messages during Michael Jackson's televised funeral), but they do not compensate for the overall loss of humanity that is its inevitable consequence. As a species, we have never been less human than we are right now." (Klosterman, Eating the Dinosaur.)

This is beautiful

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I have almost finished Eating the Dinosaur. I could finish it entirely, but I refuse to read the essay on football. Football is dull. It is the dullest of all sports. The only thing good about football is tail-gating and tail-gate food.
With less than one week left in the summer, I don't know what to read next. Should I even bother? Operating under the assumption I will be too busy to leisure read during my semester in DC, my next literary adventure would have to begin in December. I'm also starting to doubt the point of making long, strict reading lists. The past three months are proof that I don't follow them if it's not a book I'm excited about, and Hemingway's prose will never excite me. (This is seperate from the man himself. I love hearing about Hemingway's crazy, alcoholic life).
I do want to read Hitch-22. That one is non-negotiable.

Tessellations, I dig them.

Monday, August 16, 2010

This isn't the best story I've ever written, but it might be the coolest topic:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

my rock collection

I keep them in this nifty tin box

Images like these make me think about what kind of photographer I am, and what kind of photographer I should be.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I've been working my way through Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Closterman. I purchased it in the Orlando Airport, before my flight back to Las Vegas. I had heard mixed reviews of Closterman's work before, but there was a triceratops on the cover so I couldn't resist.

It's mostly a discussion of modern pop culture and how it alters our perceptions of reality. And although that sounds heavy, he tends to keep it light and fluffy. Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs is next on my reading list before I form a finite opinion on Closterman.

However, his musings have force me to contemplate my own musings. Why am I writing this blog, and what do I hope to gain from it? I don't know. I doubt anyone is actually reading.

Originally, I intended to chronicle my photographic pursuits, but this summer has been light on those. It could examine my exploration into cinema and literature, but that doesn't sound accurate either. For now it will stay aimless, even though the blogs that I admire the most are very specific in topic and message.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

good advice I found

Eat food, not too much, mostly plants

Work out, often, make sure you sweat

Read, a lot, about everything

(I am adding my own:

Get outside, as much as possible, away from a computer screen)